Protecting the Environment
AeroTek's commitment to the Environment
Aerotek is passionate about safeguarding our world for our children and future generations.
Our commitment to the environment and our community starts with our senior executives and is emphasized through all levels of responsibility within the organization.
AeroTek is always ready to participate in environmentally friendly projects.
We welcome opportunities to collaborate on major OEM development programs as well as university initiatives that are working creating innovative, environmentally responsible solutions.
AeroTek is committed to exceeding all applicable federal, provincial, local and company health-and-safety standards. We are always seeking out innovative methods to reduce our carbon footprint and to create the safest possible working environment for our employees.
Initiatives AeroTek has undertaken include:
An in-house closed-loop wastewater treatment system
Closed pits for all of our tanks
Maximizing our facility’s air quality
Offering environmentally friendly coating solutions as they become available and in-demand
Contact AeroTek if you have a new environmentally friendly coating you want to see on your product.
State-of-the-art Waste Treatment System
AeroTek has installed a closed-loop wastewater treatment system (read more), which ensures that all wastewater produced in our facility is treated always within the facility. The system effectively prevents any escape into the city’s water systems. Any waste collected in the system is either formed into blocks to be sent to a metal recycling facility, neutralized or destroyed. The resultant wastewater is filtered prior to being reintroduced to our rinse water tanks thereby continuously revising the water. With this system, AeroTek will save over 250 households’ worth of water per year for the Durham Region water supply.

Purpose-built Facility
AeroTek’s plant was constructed to be used as a metal processing facility. As such, tanks are placed in closed and sealed pits, ensuring that any spill is caught in the enclosed pits, the waste could be properly treated without anyone being harmed in the process. Nor will any substances leak into the city water system or groundwater. In addition, we have resealed our critical containment pits with the latest in containment technology.
Ontario Clear Air Certification
At AeroTek, a healthy work environment for our employees is a priority. We have taken many steps to ensure the air they breathe is of optimal quality, including implementing advanced air scrubbers and an internal air quality management system (read more). Our system exchanges the air in the plant 10 or more times per hour, based upon feedback from our real-time Verkada Environmental Sensors.
AeroTek has been awarded Clean Air Certification by the Ontario Government.

AeroTek is a leader in environmentally friendly coating solutions, including light sulphuric and Ion Vapour Deposition of Aluminum (IVD-Al). We especially pride ourselves in offering IVD-Al, as we are the only company in Canada to offer this fully environmentally friendly process replacement for cadmium plating. By substituting cadmium plating with IVD-Al, AeroTek is also able to increase efficiency, resulting in price reductions for customers.